Colors for Magic and Meditation

One of the reasons we incorporate the Element of Fire in a ritual of intention setting is because it represents passion and action. We use Fire to activate and put our ideas into motion. Fire energizes and enlivens adding a spark of life to your intentions! Fire also represents protection, driving away dark thoughts and emotions. Gives us warmth which makes us stronger. Think of Fire as driving away doubt, fear and ignorance. Using the flame of a candle, the vibration of Fire connects us the energy of our goal. 📷🔥 Here are the energies of color and light:
White - Clarity, insight, angelic clairvoyance Purple - Transition, spiritual awakening, dream state Blue - Vision, direction, questing, inner guidance Green - Communication, growth, free creative expression, artistic inspiration Red - Relationship, self-love and harmony, compassion Pink - Balance, purity, innocence Orange - Strength, self-empowerment, emotional purging Yellow - Sensuality, seduction, ecstasy Light Blue - Compassion, forgiveness, kindness Black - Majik, love, discipline, ancestral knowledge
Use these colors to also Meditate. Many times we may not have a candle but need to shift our energy. Focus on courage, Close your eyes and envision Orange before a meeting. White when you feel overwhelm. Give yourself light!
📷🌠I also observe that colors may signify something different for you. We all have our own perspective. This chart does not make you wrong. Colors all affect us in a different way, just like, sounds and smells.


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