Nurturing yourself in nature. ~Ridding Yourself of Negativity, Unwanted Feelings or Vibes~

The Elements of the Earth. Fire, Air, Earth & Water are perfect tools for change to tune back into nature and set your intentions.
Create a space that is sacred, inside or outside of your home, where your special energy is used to manifest and reflect on your intentions (goals, plans, hopes, dreams) & sending blessings to people in need.
Using the phases of the Moon, I like to think of my path, my life, as a spiral, not a straight line. I am always coming back to the things I thought I understood and seeing deeper truths.
While I am breaking the cycles, unlearning, and aligning my energies with my intentions, I am creating a structure that depends on my inner discipline.
For instance, every New Moon or when I feel like I am overwhelmed with energy I burn sage. This is called smudging. The smoke from the sage clears negativity in your home or yourself. Depending on what you want to focus on, you can use Cedar, Lemongrass, Lavender, or Sweetgrass. Keep in mind if you are smudging your home make sure to open your windows to let out the negativity. You can set it outside it it will burn itself out. I also gather flowers, a bowl of water, using incense and essential oils to use a scent pattern to guide my senses, helping me to focus.
Tools for change to add to your sacred space are:
Salt, soil,stones or crystals represent Earth.
Candles, fire bowl, a blade or bonfire represent Fire.
Incense, feathers, a bell or fan represent Air.
Water is self-explanatory but a bowl of water perhaps charged by the moon is good for blessings, meditation or offerings.

When you open your sacred space come place of gratitude remembering.....

Air moves us.
Fire transforms us
Water shapes us
Earth heals us.​


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